03 9878 6666 info@wirrawonga.com.au

We have recently been in conversation with many of you regarding the new requirements for a Regulation 1507; Certificate of Compliance – Design in relation to the pool hydraulics and velocity flows as per AS 1926-3 2010. Please find enclosed a sample of our site specific Hydraulics Certification which addresses all aspects of the new requirements under the code. The highlighted areas are items we will require you to provide to us so that we can generate the information needed for this certification, it is something we consider as a necessary safety check and endorsement of your current practices as part of your permit approval process.

We propose that pool builders submit necessary details of hydraulic systems to Wirrawonga at the same time as their structural requirements so that compliance with the requirements of AS1926.3 2010 can be checked then certified on our design compliance for the pool. Some of the inputs such as pump selection we may need to advise an alternative power / flow rate than the one you have selected.

Our engineers are well qualified to undertake the necessary computations and certification, and we will be providing supporting drawings and computations with this certification. Note please that this is a separate certification to the structural certification and does not rely on the structural certification being issued by Wirrawonga.

Discuss your specific needs with your Building Surveyor, but pools signed up after 1st of May 2011 are subject to this new Australian Standard. In partnership with you, we have provided what we think is a good balance between minimum requirements of the code, certification from a Certifying Engineer experienced in this area, and an additional expense to be included into your future pricing structure. We expect this additional service to attract a fee of between $200.00 and $250.00 + GST.

Please advise our office of your regularly used equipment for these certifications to streamline this new process for all.