03 9878 6666 info@wirrawonga.com.au

Wirrawonga  Consulting logistics have refined during the year, as we continue to fine tune our engineering documentation. The paperwork we deliver gets more user friendly with a higher degree of specifics and accuracy. We have removed the darkened blocks of information, and we are refining the H Class information.

Additionally, in our 2014 Summer Newsletter, we boasted “No price rises for 2014”. We have stood by that promise; there has not been a change in pricing policy for the year. This has allowed you the confidence to quote without surprises. For 2015 we overall expect the same pricing outcome, your basic Concrete or FRP pool certification will remain the same. There will need to be a slightly higher hourly rate applied to more complex jobs though due to higher cost and demand. As one example, if you expected $1500.00 on a medium complexity engineering project, you may now expect $1700.00 instead. The fee for AS1926.3 Hydraulics certifications remains the same as 2014.